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Nutritional value in pineapple

Nutritional value in pineapple Pineapple Pineapple is a skin nourishing fruit that is very beneficial to the skin and body because it is rich in nutrients and minerals that are important to the body. All of these are important helpers that can help nourish the

What are the causes of wisdom teeth?

What are the causes of wisdom teeth? Impacted teeth trap beneath the bone or under the gums. The cause of this type of impacted tooth is that some people’s gums are too thick or there is a part of the bone that blocks the tooth

Nutritional value in guava

Nutritional value in guava Guava is a fruit that is very popular among those who want to lose weight or control their diet. But did you know that guava is also a fruit that nourishes the skin with nutritional value and skin care benefits that

Beautiful, healthy skin doesn’t always have to be white

Beautiful, healthy skin doesn’t always have to be white Beautiful, healthy skin In an era where values ​​and perspectives are increasingly interpreted. Especially the beauty value of skin color. Which should not measure by just whiteness alone, “More than white skin is beautiful and healthy

Leyton Orient cruise to win at Barnsley

Leyton Orient cruise to win at Barnsley Leyton Orient eased to a 4-0 victory at Barnsley with goals from Jamie Donley, Omar Beckles, Charlie Kelman and Sonny Perkins to make it just one defeat in their last 11 games. But Barnsley’s away kit. Which they